Aeronautical Repair Station Association

Archive for January, 2014

Study Finds Regulations Make America Poorer

A recent study will come as no surprise to ARSA members: federal regulations are restricting U.S. economic growth. The study published last year in the Journal of Economic Growth found that: “Regulation’s overall effect on output’s growth rate is negative and substantial. Federal regulations added over the past fifty years have reduced real output growth […]

The Worst Thing You Can Do Is Nothing

In case you missed it, earlier this week, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) finally issued the repair station security regulations over a decade after Congress first mandated the rules. While the regulation was a solution in search of problem, the negative impact of the congressionally imposed ban on FAA foreign repair stations necessitated the association […]

A Glance Back

As we enter 2014, the association takes the opportunity to review the most visible contributions to its members’ continued viability during the past year. Major regulatory victories for the industry included a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) clarification that a maintenance provider may restore missing part information and the withdrawal of a maintenance duty time legal […]