Aeronautical Repair Station Association

Archive for August, 2013

50th Anniversary of March on Washington

A little while ago, Sarah MacLeod alerted me to the fact that ARSA had not highlighted today is the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington. While this is an obviously historical date in American history, I did not recognize its importance to ARSA. Sadly, nor did I know as much as I thought I […]

Lower Your 2013 Tax Bill By Investing In Your Company

With the depreciation bonus set to end on Dec. 31, time is running out for your company to cut its 2013 tax bill by making new capital investments. The depreciation bonus was first enacted to help pull us out of the 2000-2002 recession.  It lapsed in 2005, but was reinstated in 2008 as the economy […]

Go Ahead, Give ’Em Your Digits

One of the ways ARSA and other organizations with public relations interests build relationships with the media is providing additional information on an article they wrote –journalists often report on the same subject and may revisit their notes for the next article. Creating this relationship and providing information to the press not only solidifies your […]

Aviation and Beyond…

When you think about ARSA, you probably think of the association as the voice of repair stations on aviation policy issues. While aviation policy is our primary focus, did you know that ARSA’s legislative team is also hard at work representing the aviation maintenance industry on other issues that impact your cost of doing business? […]

Directly Involved

Direct involvement in the political process is a must for every business; the smaller the enterprise, the more essential the engagement with local, state, and federal officials. The association engages political figures at the federal level to ensure congressmen and senators recognize, if not understand, the basic challenges associated with aviation safety. An international organization […]